MIX July 21, 1972 - 22A Ebago

Drums on pole. Larger: 13" head, 23" highth; Smaller: 9.5" head, 15.5" highth
Head drummer playing the great drum.
Recording #22A
Place of Recording: Ebago
Date of Recording: July 21, 1972
Performance: Ebago village
Informant: Paul Abulla and Henry Akway
Date of Transcript: September 29, 1972
1 000 Dudbul.
Information: Continues of dance begun on tape 21.
2 033 Awawa.
Information: Confused. When Awawa ends, different type of dance continues.
3 062 Dudbul.
4 097 Abongo.
Information: Girls in a line and boys in a line, boys will have those that lead them and girls also. 2 or 3 or more lines of girls and boys and lines circle the area. Dancing is like jumping. Singer sings independently. Singer is in the middle and he doesn’t dance. Not a good song. (Usually this is very important to be very nice) Confusion. Girl singer at 145: song will be renewed and will stop reply to the song. The person will finish and then continue dancing. Not good. Notice the drumming. Going on singing.
5 187 Confusion.
6 212 Acanya (Obero)
Information: Girls sit down, boys march. Walk as in marching. Left leg tied on. Hits ground twice to make sound with the bells or whatever that is tied on. Boys are going in line. Girls are sitting hands up and down in begging motion. Girls are singing and the boys are not singing. The boys are making the dance. Drumming is very poor. (this is hard to do. Probably some that are not doing it well.)
7 308 girls are now choosing the boys.
8 317 Starting Okama.
Information: Girls chasing the boys they would like to dance with. Dance with a girl. After 5 days would be experts. Then would have an excellent dance. All tribes in South Sudan performed dances. From Akobo were 10 girls and boys. With drum beaters. Went to Khartoum would have taken first place. Dancing can be very very good. (Akobo or Gilo river would have the best dancing.) Okama continues at 470.
Text: Girl praising the boy and boy praising the girl. Better to choose 10 girls. And have them work together.