Love Songs July 10, 1972 - 8A Tierlul

Recording #8A
Place of Recording: Tierlul
Date of Recording: July 10, 1972
Informant: Paul Abulla and Agwa Alem
Date of Transcript: July 26, 1972; Transcribed: August 18, 1972
1 000 Love Song.
Information: From Gok. By Olieng - Fellow.
Text: I heard that my girlfriend went to Gilo River. So, I hope that she will be back. repetition.
2 066 Love song.
Information: Girl. Gilo river.
Text: Anybody that has no parents needs to be married.
3 091 Love song.
Information: From Gilo river; Mentions the name of the people the first time.
Text: If you refuse me why don’t you tell me so that I can get another one. Familiar.
4 116 Love song.
Information: Talking about Paul Ningyoni. During the Christmas time, he came to Gilo river. Many people came to see him and this song was formed at that time. The people from Gilo or the area who were in Anyanya for many years, came to meet their wives and their girlfriends.
Text: Greet my girlfriend, I’m very near to her. I’m coming.
5 147 Love song.
Information: Much repeating.
Text: I’m very glad, I’m very happy.
6 186 Love song.
Information: New song written by man from Illea called Odet. Mentions the names of the people.
7 212 Somali song
Text: When we get independence, we will be flying by jet, not on foot. Repeats.
8 267 Love song.
Information: girl duets. Familiar heard before, love song. Mentions the names of each other.
ANUAK Project: FIELD NOTES – July 10, 1972
Retyped: June 7, 2019
12:45 Arrive in Tierlul on the first day of the second week of research.
1:00 Action begins with Olieng Ojulo a 21-year-old composer singing songs he has written to the accompaniment of the tin can-drum. He is assisted with a 25-year-old friend, Okach Ajiba a refugee from the Sudan. Olieng is from Gaag (Pron. Gawk) about 40 miles away. He is a well-known composer, his grandfather being first a composer and now he follows in his grandfather footsteps. Composing is like a job to him and he writes for pleasure. He receives no pay for his songs. These two men sing separately and together for one hour. The songs sung are basically for dancing.
2:00 Young boy who has sung previously sings again, very clearly and melodiously to his own drum accompaniment.
2:10 Young girl about 15 years of age sings briefly.
2:15 2 girls sing again (sung extensively on previous tape) in antiphonal style. Olieng accompanies them on the drum.
3:10 We move into a mud and thatched house to get away from the sound of the grain mill motor. Alam Omot sings war songs. People around in the house greatly enjoy the songs especially laughing at the insults as they are sung. 7 boys and 5 girls are in the room. When others know the songs, they join in softly. All enjoy them freely. Ladies are attracted to the singing and come in and sing with the tape and/or sit in the doorway.
4:00 We return to Pokwo. Day is profitable with a continued abundance of material being heard. Sorting of the material into logical and meaningful categories awaits doing and further collecting.